For my article today I read tips about how to take good photographs by a National Geographic photographer. Being a picture-taker for a magazine extremely well known for its amazing photography, Capulto is probably someone who gives very good advice. This article in particular is about how to get good pictures while traveling. One tip that he gives is to be spontaneous. He says that having your camera with you everywhere you go while on vacation is something you should definitely do, because you never know when there is going to be something photo-worthy. I think this is a very good tip because some of my favorite pictures i took on vacaions are of little kids in the marketplace in Gutemala, or this little boy in a grocery store in Swaziland.
Another tip that this article gave is, when taking photos of people you are with, always make sure to give some context to the pic. Don't just take a close-up on their face because it shows nothing of where you are, it could be in your house.
My Grampa would always take pictures in places of the place and then a little tiny picture of my Gramma's head in the corner. The pictures look so funny they are great. =)
So if you want some tips...
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i am sorry the National geographic should be underlined but its this blogs fault....
Caputo, Robert. "Travel Photography Tips." National Geographic. August, 2007. 23 Oct 2008