Friday, December 12, 2008

On The Water Front

In On The Waterfront, many of the different characters believe tons of different things. Their opinions seem to differ based on what their own personal gain would be in the end. For example, Charlie and Johnny Friendly, at least at first, would consider Terri a traitor. This is because instead of gaining something, they are the ones being ratted on, and it is hard to do the right thing when you know you will get in trouble. I think this is the reason why mob members, even ones who don't believe in what they are doing, won't come forward and tell the truth. This is the decision Terri had to make, and it was very hard for him to come forward, because he did not want to be considered a traitor. However, the other people who are not members of the mob would definitely consider him a whistle blower, because it would stop the violent killings and be beneficial to themselves. Likewise, Edy would consider him a whistle blower because she would be gaining knowledge about who killed her brother. It is interesting to me that everyone sees differently on the difference between a traitor and a whistle blower, and it is mostly for selfish wants.

For me, it completely depends on the situation as to whether I would consider someone a traitor or a whistle blower. I think that if the effects of standing up benefit a large group of people versus a small group, then the person should defenitely be considered a whistle blower. Also, if something that would happen if nobody stood up is a serious as murder, I would never call them a traitor. I do think that telling on a friend for cheating or something insignificant is tattling. This is because there is not a large group that is being affected. that if I really think that it is all in the position that a person is in a situation that causes them to see someone as a stool pigeon or a freedom fighter.


Lida said...

I think it's an interesting thought that characters in the movie have opinions that are based off their selfishness. That hadn't occured to me before. You seem to have clear thoughts on all of these matters. I agree that 'telling' for a small issue is bad, but that if it 'benefits a large group' then the person is a freedom fighter. Your post was fun to read!

Vivian H said...

I like what you said about the different characters perspectives on Terry and how their motivations affect their views of him and his actions. I definately think that's accurate and maybe if Charlie and Johnny were in Edy's position, for example, then they might consider him a whistle blower as well.

Anonymous said...

I like your analysis about the definition of a whistle blower or traitor depends on how it benefits the person who decides. I do agree with you that we shouldn't tell if its only trivial, but if someone did something very serious, then someone should report them.